Welcome to the Coalition! Introduce yourself :-)


Heya Jen,

Pleased to see another Aussie on the boards. I have to ask, which reason and varietal is your poison for wine?



Alas @bradstokes I am varietally promiscuous and share the Jen love around many wineries and varieties. With the exception of Sauvignon Blanc. A gal has to have some standards. I do offer a special affection for champagne, a buttery chardonnay and a rich cab sav… (and thank you for the welcome :slight_smile: )


Ha! What a trip :slight_smile: It was great to meet you too!


Thanks! I’m trying to put together something on “A Day in the Life of a Scrum Master”. I’d like to highlight the fact that we’re not just event facilitators and showcase all the cool things we do with our teams. I found a really cool resource from a thread I was following on LinkedIn http://scrummasterchecklist.org/pdf/ScrumMaster_Checklist_12_unbranded.pdf that is helping to guide my outline.


OK, since I volunteered for a podcast I guess I’ll introduce myself :grin:

My name is Bob Bartz, currently a Scrum Master at PNC Bank in Pittsburgh. I’ve worked in the Agile space as a Scrum Master/BA/QA since 2010 and fortunately am now with an organization that fully embraces agility at all levels. I first found out about this forum from @Scrummando after the Heart of Agile conference last year, and I can’t thank him enough for it.

To say I’ve learned a lot of techniques and methods that have helped me improve my professional life is an understatement. All the podcasts, especially the Manifesto signer series, are great to hear and I really appreciate them. Before visiting here, I never heard of “The Goal” or “The Phoenix Project”. I’ve read them both and am now working on “The DevOps Handbook”. I never heard of Deming, and now I’ve read a lot of about his findings and take them to heart on a regular basis. @andycleff I love the regular quotes from him you share since he always seems to be right!

Anyway, thanks again to all that make this place possible and I hope I can contribute where I can. It’s always nice to hear about other folks on their own journeys.


Glad to have you on board, Bob!!!

Also good to know there’s at least one org in the US that fully embraces agility at all levels :slight_smile:

Share with us how that happened, we can steal from it…

HOA brought a lot of us together one way or another… so more props and kudus to @Scrummando @cusack and others who made it possible.

Looking forward to hearing more about your journey - work + life …

And when your night stand starts to run low on books, we have plenty more as a group that we’ve loved…

I also have my own list going, with some overlap of the above:

And I’m sure you’ve got some you’ve read that we should pick up as well…


Dear Coalition,

My name is Bogdan and I work in Amsterdam at the HEINEKEN Headquarters. My job is to transform teams (split currently plan-build-run) into Agile product teams that would get to manage the entire lifecycle of the product.

I’ve been exposed to Scrum since 2013 and started in the last couple of years with some Kanban experiments. Next to that, I have been doing Lean 6 Sigma projects for quite a while.

If I look at the personas you guys have created and my own organization, I recognize myself as “Fred, the Frustrated Practitioner”.

Good to be here! Thanks for creating this Agile bubble for the likes of us.


Hi @Bogdan_Onaca,

Welcome to the coalition. This place is great and can be an awesome place to find help. What has you frustrated right now?


Hey there. Name’s Kiryl. I’m an Agile Coach, currently residing near Amsterdam. I moved here a few month ago from Belarus (for those who don’t know, it’s between Poland and Russia and it’s not a part of Russia :slight_smile: ). I’ve been in the role of a Scrum Master/Agile Coach for about 5 years, and 5 years as a software developer before that. Looking forward to some good exchange of knowledge.




Hi @bradstokes and all,

What gets me frustrated is: people’s resistance to change, the easiness with which we talk about mindset change and the lack of action behind this and (empty) buzzwords, in general, get me frustrated.


Leadership from the bottom

I can imagine,

Worthwhile rarely equals easy. Any change (be it mindset or methods) requires discipline, passion and perseverance to stick. My experience is that buzzwords are only helpful if the open up the conversation and not at all if things stops there.

Resistance to change is pretty normal. Stepping beyond the status quo is always difficult for people. Even for those of us that try to embrace it. I fail at it all the time.

We make our gains in silence most of the time. The wins are small. Look through the posts for stories of frustration from brothers and sisters in arms. You will definitely feel it in a few of mine.

We run a long race. The good thing is that we don’t run it alone. You will find people asking questions of when others feel it is the right time to move on. There aren’t often easy answers.

Welcome from people that bear the scars, but hold hope fresh. You are amongst friends.

@JayHorsecow @andycleff @troy There might be a podcast here. “The buzz is a dull hum, what now?!” :smiley:


Def a podcast in there.
Might be related to David Rock and the SCARF model.
That damn amygdala…



If there is only one thing leaders learn about change, it should be the SCARF model. Hands down. The Best.


Sounds like I’ve found my next lot of reading to do.


Podcast anyone?

@Tanner and I dove into the SCARF topic awhile back…


I’ve branched the SCARF topic: David Rock’s SCARF Model for Change


Hello everyone, I am COO and Co-Founder of Startup GitScrum (Headquarter in Portugal - Sintra).
I hope through the group to expand the knowledge of the agile methodologies and to follow the perception of the market in relation to the other softwares.
GitScrum is currently available in OpenSource version and in the coming days will be released the SaaS version. Want to know a little more, this is our website: www.gitscrum.com
Rodrigo Sequeiros


Welcome @Rodrigo_Sequeiros !

Great to have you aboard.


Welcome to the coalition.