Harrisburg University is hosting the 3rd Annual Agile Lean Summit on March 6 in Harrisburg PA. Our Summit has 3 keynote speakers speaking on Rethinking Agile Lean Transformations, Public and Private Sector Transformations, and Lean Marketing.
In addition, our four speaker tracks have distinct focuses: Agile Projects and Teams; Agile Lean Transformations; Agile Lean in Healthcare; and Agile Lean in Government. Speakers include those from private industry, government (the Commonwealth of PA), and healthcare (Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic).
We also are hosting a Lean Change Agent workshop on March 7-8 where are keynote speaker at the Summit Jason Little is staying over to help those leaders enact change in their organization. Jason is the author of Lean Change Management. Jason and his team deliver these highly sought after two day workshops all over the world.
Please consider attending and forwarding this to others you know that might be interested. Find out more about the Summit - http://agilesummit.harrisburgu.edu/ . You can also download a PDF flyer regarding the Summit here - http://bit.ly/2E3iQ23 or see the attached.
If you are interested in group rates, contact Michelle Mafnas mmafnas@HarrisburgU.edu. If you have further technical questions regarding the Summit, please contact Joe Malak JMalak@harrisburgu.edu.