Inside secret… in 1999, there was a company in Philadelphia called Breakaway Solutions (where I was employed) which competed against Organic and Razorfish until the .com bubble popped. Back then, the founders were attempting RAD (rapid application development) and embodied some of the agile philosophies before we knew about agile. (We also burned a lot of money.)
Flash forward, the ashes of that company were reformed under the same leadership in a company called Gestalt, and they started leveraging agile, including in some government military settings. A few years later, that company was acquired into Accenture and I believe continued to run somewhat autonomously. Lots of really great people there. I would guess that this was the beginning of a seed for Accenture to gain insight/understand of the agile movement (though I can’t speak to how well they’ve done in recent years…).
For those of you in Philly with me… it could be interesting to know this history when networking. My experience with those folks while at Breakaway set me up for later learning about agile while at Siemens Medical (one of the largest XP/Scrum transformations by 2005-2006) and in that situation we used ObjectMentor and Thoughtworks to coach us through our transition, not a Big 4 company.