Creating slack


One guy, responsible in some way for seven teams all needing to be 95% billable within an organisation with 3 month completely fixed releases. Does it sound like hell to you? It really does to me and it is a reality for a host of engineers. The organisation is “Agile” and certainly has some of the forms that we might recognise, on the surface, by their names, but something is missing in the implementation.

There are many things wrong with the picture. Certainly safety and hygiene have gone out the window with such a push for billing and such fixed and non-negotiable time frames. The description given to me was the culture was rife with Cover Your Ass (CYA) behaviour and that no one could ultimately change anything. Retros happen, but without some fundamental change burnout or absenteeism is not likely going to be uncommon.

Moreover that when everything is booked so fully, that anything resembling an emergency just pushes out everything else that is seemingly equally critical. The teams don’t seem to have a hope.

I asked, “if you have to bill so much time how do you improve?” The answer was simple, “We can’t.”

Time is a resource and it is precious, but I feel more so are the people that need to spend that time wisely. When one is always at 100% capacity something breaks down. It isn’t always about the thing that doesn’t get communicated, it might be the level of illness or the presenteeism or even just the SEP syndrome (Somebody else’s problem).

Part of this whole agile thing is the ability to be adaptive to change. Unfortunately when there is no slack and space for change, you may as well be on train tracks for all the ability you have to turn. We reflect and introspect to do things better, but when space is at such a premium the retrospection disappears and we lose something.

Safety is more that just not firing someone for making a mistake, it is about providing opportunities for growth in an environment of reciprocity. “The company looks after me, so that I can do my best work.” Building in a little slack lets us engage in experiments that provide rapid feedback without fear of everything burning to the ground.

An example of this is in flight for me, I need to try out an idea around selection issues and syntax highlighting. The day will take half a day to a day to trial, a couple for someone to use it live and we will have some very valuable information. I still have tight time-frames, but the amount of time I’m spending may fix a long-running issue for the team. I have been allowed to schedule in some “slack” to explore and it will make a huge difference. Even if I am wrong, we have saved lots of lost time in the future by not wasting time solely about talking about the idea. The slack is valuable.

By building in a little slack, I allow for things to go wrong with stories (they always do), emergencies to happen (not so often thankfully) and not having to worry about team members being present, but unable to be accounted for. Yes, I can link the research, but this is now pretty well documented.

I want to see my team do amazing things, and the only way they grow is if there is space there for them to grow into and time for them to do it. It is really against my nature to slow things down, I tend to push everything I do. I have people around me who are equally as passionate and do the same. It isn’t always healthy.

My challenge is to create space for the team and slow down (just a little) so we can get out of the feature factory and into the business of providing real value. Thankfully we have the support of the head of development and we are actively working towards it. We have deliberately pulled in less items to ensure we are able to deliver on commitments and allow time for experimentation. We are making space for the awesome to happen.

I’m curious. How do you create space for your teams to grow? How do you create slack?


That is a great topic, although I wish I had read the book on the topic before commenting. Honestly, I think the best way to create slack for teams is get out of their way. The more I want to step in, the less room I’m making for them to find their own path and innovate. I know at some point I will have to, but the more room I give them the more opportunity they have to grow.

Make sense?


There is an XP practice that I’ve used many times in the past:

We usually bake it into sprint planning in Scrum.

Also here is another variation which Imo is very important.:


As one of the team, I’d agree. Getting out of the road is great, but sometimes we need to call ‘uncle’.

We’ve got a great team, but being driven people slowing down is hard especially when we can tend to push. I’m still going for gentle, we are getting a little more disciplined at sprint plans and being more careful to commit to that which we can really do. Part of that is not over-committing. I’m definitely not trying to say “no, you can’t do that” and there isn’t any whip-cracking happening,

The methods I’ve thus far used is simply to work around expectations. Our head of tech has coached the sprint plan (my first ever) and from his mouth came the words, “I’d prefer you commit to less and get it done, than try to cram to much in.” So the team is working on pulling the right amount of work in. It is something we can monitor and measure over the coming months and adjust as we need to.

The emphasis is on learning and adaption, rather than “just get it though”. Better yet, we are fortunate to have support from the organisation to do so. I have to admit, I really appreciate it.


Oooh research time. I’d personally love this. :smiley:


After our first few iterations we realized that the team can reliably deliver 25 points per sprint; since that time we try to not commit to over 20, 21 tops. Our org is rife with unplanned work/fires needing attention so this slack has been beneficial to not derail our commitments. Our first pass at sprint planning we fully allocate the full 25 points, then perform a MoSCoW analysis on all the stories which usually gets us to that sweet spot.

Another thing the team does is they make sure there is fully-groomed work in the backlog that can be pulled into the sprint if need be; this gives them peace of mind that if no “gotchas” show up we can pull things in and not waste any time in an iteration.