OnAgile Virtual conference


I’m the chair for the Agile Alliance OnAgile virtual conference this year. So far looks like we’ll have Ellen Gottesdiener, and Jeff Patton keynoting so I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for speakers, or if you work on (or know) teams that have a great story to tell.

The theme is ‘Back to Basics: Deliver Products Customers Love’ and the intent is to get away from the noise of frameworks and process and get back to why the movement started in the first place.

We expect about 1000 people worldwide this year.


OMFG I love this!


Stay calm @ryan, deep breaths :wink:


@jasonlittle “Back to Basics: Deliver Products Customers Love”…can we do a panel discussion on Metallica’s foray into the Load/Reload era and how failure to perform retrospectives resulted in a negative outcome? :):grin:


I vote for a topic called, “What the hell is this agile thing anyway?” And just have it be the 101 of why agile. It may sound like ‘old hat’ to anybody in the space, but people are still finding out for the first time what agile is. Or if not that, have practiced ‘cargo cult’ agile. They use the word, but have never seen the principles and don’t know why they do things.

I admit, I’m planning to run something similar at a knowledge share at work next week. I can let you know how it goes.


I am at Agile Alliance 2017 right now and people are already talking about OnAgile! And I have a few stories to tell:)


Over the past 10-12 years, I’ve worked with or at some large organizations and done a lot of training, especially this past year. My most recent full-time role was as enterprise coach for a company that had 144 Scrum teams (~70 when I started) around the world (US, India, Germany, Israel, France, England and Canada). I think I could contribute to a session on what people should understand up front coming to Agile for the first time and/or a session on what mistakes I think organizations make when they decide (and then start) to implement an Agile approach.


And I guess I should say that, before 2004, I had worked since 1972 in the software development parts of companies that did book distribution, metal treatment & agricultural products development, commercial mainframe development, credit card transaction processing, plus close to 15 years at Bell Labs/Bellcore/Telcordia. So a large background in traditional development, process and standards. I was also on the Scrum Alliance board for a couple years.