Technical Debt Simulations


I plan to have my teams build in more slack time, so we can have some serious play time.

I have found a treasure trove of Lego games via Gargoylesoftware!

Here’s one on tech debt:

Any ideas for tweaks, alterations, additions, etc?


hey @andycleff, have you tried this exercise yet? I’m interested to hear if it works in practice. I quite like the metaphor of not being able to separate bricks representing a lack of refactoring.
I’ve never experienced much joy with using lego to simulate software, it always seems contrived to me but I like this idea. Did it go well for you?


I haven’t run this one yet, but I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes.

My general goal with games is not to directly simulate building software… but instead to stimulate thinking and conversation.

Looking for parallels with software development, but not a direct mirroring.