What is your professional new year resolution?


2017 is upon us. What can we personally commit ourselves to professionally in the coming year?


Not making resolution :stuck_out_tongue:

Joking aside, I want to learn more about enterprise scale scrum.

So I suppose that means diving into SAFe …


Ha - thats related to mine. I plan to look into how to plan more at the enterprise level. I am not, however, looking at SAFe. Hoping to develop a deeper appreciation for enterprise level kanban.


I’m not tied to any particular methodology, I just happen to find myself in an org that is adopting/experimenting w SAFe-ishness.


For the next year, I will try to start small. When I started as a Scrum Master, I was so enthusiastic that I wanted to change the process, the organization and anything that I came across. For 2017, I am going for a sustainable pace for myself.

The time I spent pushing for change, I will now use to listen and participate in communities (like this one).


Interesting - this is a screenshot from one of my training courses. I feel slightly validated :slight_smile:


I agree with the first part… wanting to make drastic improvements to waste.

Not so sure I agree with the latter - too much change can be bad.

If we tweak the last part to: too much imposed, or forced change, yeah. That’s bad.

However if we are co-creating that change, lots is not necessarily bad. It could be, but I’m not sure “bad” is a given.

Two concepts from TPS/Demming:

The literal translation of the characters 改 kai = “change” + 善 zen = “good” means “good change” – i.e, improvement, betterment, or refinement. No mention of scale.

However It has been colloquialized in today’s business/transformation parlance to mean “continuous” and “incremental.”

And that is how we typically approach change. Small experiments, done regularly over time.

Kaikaku_ - means radical change, usually within a limited time. New knowledge, new strategies, new approaches, new techniques, new teams. As long as this is not imposed from the top down could it be a good thing?

Maybe the two in concert is what is needed on a team, a radical week or two, to blitz thru the waste?