Why does agile work at team sports by itself?


What the heck are we doing when trying to setup agile teams? I just was having a football match with my team - and to be honest, it is amazing to see that a strong objective (win the next match) and a fairly talented facilitator (hey coach, what is going on?) ends up in having 15 people having fun acting in an extremely agile setup. And that’s all happening completely voluntary! Amazing and crazy if I look at attempts to do agile coaching within a lot of organization :wink:

Find some more detailed observations here: http://www.freeagile.org/2017/04/06/my-90-minutes-agile-training/


I love this. And when other strong teams form/execute, they do it best under a shared intent. Not a well defined plan. Look to any military, any family or any animal pack.


I know right?!

Taking that metaphore a step further, did your football team play multiple games through a season or multiple seasons?

I wonder what parallels we can make to software teams as it went through the Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing cycle.


You could even raise that football club as such form their own culture of playing - across many years and many teams.