Why testing is important


I’m sure there’s more than a few of us that have been through this situation…sadly it seems enterprises will never learn.


@JayH How can we make Product Owners that represent an entry point to a systems lanscape (i.e. portals) to downstream systems understand that if there are downstream system issues, these might be perceived by the end user community as issues with their product? #endtoendtesting #understandingfulluserjourneys


IMO Value Stream Mapping would help; that creates a visual representation so everyone can see “here’s where my stuff fits in.”. Might help create a sense of shared ownership and responsibility, as they’ll forego local optimization to understand “the customer only cares about the result, not how you break down the work to create the result.”

Another option could be using some of the indexes that Mik Kersten discusses in Project to Product to see where things aren’t connected… …tying all the work together to create a common thru line helps see where in the system there’s disconnect.

Those are your best options off the top of my head.