Ah Ha! Cards from my Lean Development Training 10/17


Monday I lead a full day lean development workshop in Harrisburg. As part of the session I encouraged the attendees to fill out “Ah Ha!” cards. Whenever they hear something that they love or hate, they write it down and post it for us to discuss towards the end of the day. I got about 40 Ah Has! this time, but here are some of the ones that stood out to me:

  • Long feedback loops create customer changes
  • Prioritize functionality that provides value.
  • Let your highly paid developers use their brains. Not “code to spec”.
  • People need to understand the value of their work
  • Experiments - people more willing to try short term change
  • “Sometimes documentation is used as a crutch to defer doing something.”
  • Products make your identity

  • Let your highly paid developers use their brains. Not “code to spec”.

If someone finally understands that, you did a great job.