Processes and Tools
Kanban Kanban as a methodology for software development XP Atlassian Stack Toics related to using JIRA, Confluence etc Crystal The methodology, not the drug. Get out of the gutter. Pair Programming Pair programming ideas, techniques, experiences, horror stories. Scrum Framework Discussion about Scrum as a framework Scaling Frameworks LeSS, DAD, SAFe, GROWS, SPS, Nexus, Spotify.... CA Agile Central (Rally) Topic to talk and share best practices for CA Agile aka Rally QA and Testing QA is integral to the development process, yes, but we do separate out the topic.... Certifications All things certification related.... Scaling A space to discuss agile scaling, frameworks, and practices. LeSS, DAD, SAFe, GROWS, SPS, Nexus, Spotify.... Lean "Lean software development (LSD) is a translation of lean manufacturing and lean IT principles and practices to the software development domain. Adapted from the Toyota Production System, a pro-lean subculture is emerging from within the Agile community."