Hello everyone, glad to discover this awesome community and to already see a few familiar faces! My name is Dana Pylayeva. I am an Agile Coach at HBC Digital as well as an active member of large agile community - speaking at conferences, volunteering, co-organizing NYC Scrum User Group. If you are in NYC on 3rd Thursday of the month - you are all invited!!
I am one of the co-chairs for Project, Program and Portfolio management track at Agile2017.(Our call for proposal is open at the moment. Submit yours - we offer help with crafting it.)
As hectic as a conference organizing could be, being a part of dynamic teams of people who volunteer their time to make it work is truly an amazing experience! Intrinsic motivation is contagious
For me it started with a huge experiment of founding Big Apple Scrum Day(BASD) in 2015. Most of us had full time jobs and were complete newbies in conference planning. Beginners luck turned out to be real!
Next came the planning of BASD2016 and Play4Agile North America 2016.
This year - another big experiment: a back-to-back extravaganza in NYC: Agile Coach Camp US (ACCUS2017), followed by Big Apple Scrum Day 2017.
Yes, everyone is invited!