200 Industry Certs ?! [Certifications] (9)
12 Agile Illustrations [Recommended Reading] (2)
Descaling [Scaling] (1)
Liberating Structures - a new find ( 2 ) [Recommended Reading] (30)
Another Friday find...Lean Service Creation [Recommended Reading] (1)
Cloud Native Transformation Patterns [Recommended Reading] (2)
This week's podcast: The Future of Agile [Podcasts] (5)
Ritual Dissent [Recommended Reading] (5)
Wardley Mapping [Podcasts] (9)
Difference between "transformation" and "adoption" [Recommended Reading] (1)
Top 10 Agile Transformation Anti-patterns [Recommended Reading] (1)
Hiring: Agile Coaches in Philadelphia [Job Seekers and Providers] (1)
Agile Reformation [Recommended Reading] (7)
The FTE coaching trap? [Recommended Reading] (3)
Why testing is important [Recommended Reading] (3)
Feedback Wanted: Kantor 4-Player Game / Retro [Retrospectives] (5)
The evolution of Lean thinking [Recommended Reading] (1)
Retrospectives in Distributed Teams - Requirements for a Tool ( 2 ) [Processes and Tools] (27)
Transformations take time [Recommended Reading] (2)
Shifting Underwriters to the Agile Mindset [Who can help] (3)
LeSS before Scrum? [Recommended Reading] (1)
This week's podcast: Integral Transformations [Podcasts] (1)
Temporal Dynamics [Recommended Reading] (2)
Upcoming LeSS course, 11/20 in Malvern, PA [Events] (3)
AU Twitter suspended 😕 [Uncategorized] (5)
Managing team members [Who can help] (13)
What do you give up to be a leader? [Recommended Reading] (1)
If someone asks for an Agile Coach, how do you know if you can help? [Who can help] (7)
Agile estimation [Who can help] (4)
Light vs. Dark Agile [Recommended Reading] (3)